Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Remember your Parents may read this!

So, okay okay, my folks aren't that old...or so they have told me via Facebook, email and phone calls! Dad said they would take the trip no matter what and then called me his little pet name "asshole".
So, I stand corrected...they are more than capable of traveling by themselves and can ride like the best of us and really could care the less about what I or anyone else is thinking. So, there...we have been told.

I went to the Harley Store tonight and got a new pair of boots and ordered a lightweight jacket for Mom. Then went and bought some new socks, so I am set. My father told me the trick to packing and that is "use rubber bands". That's right rubber bands.

Now you mayask what rubber bands have to do with packing and for those of you don't know my father you are probably thinking "he is goofy in the head", but hear him out.

So, rubber bands and packing...you can save a lot of room if you roll your underwear and shirts up and put them in a rubber band! This is his packing method! Now I know about rolling clothes, but I had to laugh when he asked me "do you have enough rubber band"? Who knew!

Thank goodness I have saved a full baggie of rubber bands so I guess I am set! Whew, I guess I really am ready.

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